Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Siding and Doors

Yesterday, they started the Tyvek and the siding. They hung the exterior doors and cut out the extra window in our office room and made the framing repairs.

You can see the front porch now and the front door is on. The siding seemed a little lighter in color than I remembered but we only had a 2" x 3" sample when we chose it. We both like it a lot.

You can see the extra window we had cut out in the upper bedroom. We have a great view of Moscow Mountain and is going to be great with our office desk right below! See the view below...

1 comment:

  1. Joshah! I've never done the blog thing. Man I sound old. Well, I guess I'm 30 now... SO ARE YOU!! I was trying to send you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY message on FB but you were no where to be found. So anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! New house, good present :) Nicole Bates (Arehart)
